Lets be frank, we spend our days teaching our kids, but never acknowledge what they have taught us. And boy do they teach us a lot. To name a few; patience, multitasking, how to handle sleep deprivation, and the list goes on and on. Today I'm going to share some of the best things they have taught me.
1. Honesty can be cruel. Oh honesty, keeping it real, or 100, what ever catchy fraze it is these days. Your kids are probably the only people really being honest. They will tell you your breath stinks, and that your beautiful in the same sentence. They wont sugar coat it, or worry about hurting your feelings. Nor do they have any intention to offend you. As we get older, that all shifts. Being honest becomes, being polite, and sometimes, we let our dear friends make poor choices, because why should I embarrass her, and tell her she has spinach in her teeth or that she needs gum.
2.Being yourself. Kids aren't concerned with the latest trend, they dont care that a shirt is from target or designer. No, they like things just because their favorite super heroes on it, or it makes them feel like a pretty princess. If I let my girls dressed themselves, I'm sure they would be rocking their princess gowns, and miss matching shoes. They would own every moment of it. They aren't concerned with what the other kids will think, because they know their bad ass. So why do we second guess our clothing selection, or feel we need to dress "appropriate". Be yourself. If you love mismatching print, vintage tees or wearing all black, own it. Forget fitting in, or what others may say.
3. Say NO with no explanation. Adulthood means, I get to do what I want when I want. Right? Well sorta, I guess . . . but mostly not really. The girls where playing and running around the house. I asked them to stop as I so often do, when Lilly shot back no, and went on her marry way. What do you mean no? No response, so I say it again. "I don't want to." That simple. Why do we so often get pressured in to doing things we don't want to, or worst, having to explain why. No is sufficient. No no no no no, I swear its my kids favorite word. No I don't want to do a play date, or attend this event, or work late. NO
4.Making friends. Pushing the cart thru target when across the way Kiki spots a toddler. Mom go that way I want to say hi. Oh you now each other from school no but he's my friend. she walked right up and started a conversation, she had never met this child and was talking and laughing the way old friends do. Just like that, I don't know about you I don't spot random strangers and just start chatting. But why not you cant make friends if you don't put yourself out there. Kids have no worries of rejection but as adults that all shifts. when did we get so lame lol.
5. Forgiveness. Oh this one by far is my favorite with two little humans at home. Some serious fights break out between siblings, I mean hair pulling, karate kid fights, etc. Moments later, they are cuddling and laughing like it never happened. All is forgotten. They forgive with such ease and hold no hard feelings.
Im sure I can list a million and one things my little people have taught me. Everyday with them, is a new adventure, and a new lesson to be learned. They wont always be this honest, this fearless, and bold. Embrace there uniqueness. Let them become their own people. Dont teach them that they need to fit in. That they should be something other than who they are. Mostly learn what they are teaching you.
I love this!! Good post my friend! p.s. Be more like Kiki and talk to strangers!!
ReplyDeleteBe more like Kiki lol.